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10 Information Security Policies Every Organization Should Implement

Creating and implementing information security policies (ISPs) may seem like a formality to some. However, ISPs can form the backbone of your organization’s data security posture. Information security policies and procedures may help you prevent breaches of sensitive data as well as safeguard your reputation and finances by defining what’s allowed within your organization and what’s not. Nonetheless, developing an efficient security policy may be a lengthy and daunting task.

5 Key Steps on How to Perform a Cybersecurity Risk Assessment

Assessing cybersecurity risks is critical for identifying vulnerabilities in your systems that can potentially lead to data breaches, financial loss, reputation damage, legal liabilities, and other negative consequences. Knowing your weaknesses will help you take proactive measures to protect your sensitive information, comply with relevant regulations, and ensure business continuity.

10 Data Security Best Practices: Simple Methods to Protect Your Data

Data security is more important than ever because of an expanding cyber attack surface, frequent supply chain attacks, and evolving AI threats. The global average cost of a data breach reached an all-time high of $4.45 million in 2023, according to the 2023 Cost of a Data Breach Report by IBM Security. In this article, you’ll discover the main data security strategies and 10 methods of protecting data that apply to most industries.

Enhancing Employee Monitoring with Ekran System's Brand-New Dashboards

Effective employee monitoring is essential for maintaining productivity and security, especially in heavily regulated industries like finance, government, and healthcare. That’s why at Ekran System we are continuously working to enhance our product’s monitoring functionality. Now Ekran System is introducing new informative and user-friendly dashboards that will help you streamline your insider threat prevention and productivity management efforts.

Addressing the Ethical Dilemma Surrounding Employee Monitoring: 8 Best Practices

As many organizations have transitioned to hybrid and remote work models, employee monitoring is rapidly gaining momentum. While organizations may have the right to monitor employee activity to ensure productivity, security, and compliance, they must do so ethically and responsibly. Taking appropriate measures to protect collected data is essential when fostering a culture of trust, transparency, and mutual respect between employees and management.

The 7 Industries Most Vulnerable to Cyberattacks

Cybersecurity threats loom large over businesses across various sectors. Cyberattacks may lead to data breaches, operational disruptions, monetary loss, reputational loss, and other negative impacts. The first step to preventing cyberattacks is identifying possible threats. The list of threats mainly depends on your industry and the types of data you store.

Tips and Best Practices to Secure Active Directory: Audit and Privileged Access Management

Active Directory (AD) is a useful service that helps organizations manage identities and control access to network resources, thus improving corporate cybersecurity. However, when poorly managed, AD can be exploited in a way that could harm an organization’s sensitive assets and operational resilience. In this article, we briefly define what Active Directory is, list its main services, and discuss possible threats.

7 Examples of Real-Life Data Breaches Caused by Insider Threats

Insiders know all the ins and outs of your organization’s infrastructure and cybersecurity tools. That’s why companies worldwide fall victim to numerous malicious and negligent insider security incidents every month, leading to data breaches and lots of other negative consequences. Such attacks may result in financial and reputational losses and might even lead to business disruption.

How to Calculate the Cost of a Data Breach

The financial consequences of a data breach can impact your organization in unprecedented ways. Entailing costly remediation measures and reputational damage, data breaches often amount to substantial monetary losses. But what factors contribute to the overall cost of a data breach? Calculating the financial cost of a data breach is a tricky process that includes estimating the total cost associated with all the consequences.