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What are Authentication Protocols in Cryptography?

Keeping information safe is an ongoing battle and authentication protocols are among our best friends in this fight. Keep reading to learn more! In today’s world, information is one of the most important and valuable assets that an organization can have. That is why keeping sensitive and private information away from prying eyes has the utmost importance. For this purpose, we often employ authentication protocols and cryptography methods.

Authentication Header in Network Security

Ensuring authentication is one of the pillars in cyber security. That is why authentication header is one of the crucial practices. In this article, we will explain what authentication header is and how it can be useful for your organization. Almost every cyber security and/or information security expert knows about the famous CIA triad: Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability. These three consist the pillars of data security.

Automated Incident Response with SOAR

Cybersecurity incidents are the norm of the day. No organization has impunity. When a cybersecurity incident occurs, incident responders have to immediately respond to contain the incident and mitigate the damage. To this end, they have to execute the Incident Response Processes (IRP). Doing it manually is expensive and time-consuming and also less effective if your organization is facing too many incidents on a weekly or monthly basis.

Why Social Engineering Are Major Threats in 2020?

Not all cybersecurity threats and attacks occur on hardware and software components. Instead, humans are also vulnerable to social engineering attacks, a kind of cyber-attack. Social engineering psychologically manipulates people to trick them into performing actions or revealing sensitive information.

What are Cyberterrorism and Cyberwarfare?

Cyberterrorism and cyberwarfare are hot topics today. Do you know what they are or how you can protect your organization against them? Read our blog post to learn! In today’s media, the terms cyberterrorism and cyberwarfare are mentioned very often. Many fear a possible cyberwar and many say that terrorism has been changing in order to gain much more digitalized characteristics.

What is MIME in Network Security?

MIME (abbreviation for Multipurpose Internet Mail Extentions) is a worldwide standard introduced in 1991. In this article, we will discuss what it is and why it is important. As the technology introduces new ways to communicate and conduct business, our business operations become much more reliant on the data transfer and the Internet itself.

Cyber Security for Industrial Control Systems

It is no secret that humans make mistakes. In order to reduce the damages and harms caused by human error, cyber security is a must for industrial control systems. Keep reading to learn more. Unfortunately, humans make mistakes. There are many reasons behind this fact, such as the limited capacity of our working memory or our short attention span. Regardless of our experience, no matter how well trained we are, we all make mistakes, and it is okay. Mostly.