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Unlocking the Power of Logsign Unified SecOps Platform: Revolutionizing Cybersecurity Operations

In the digital era, the rapid increase in online data has made it crucial to strengthen cybersecurity measures against cyber criminals. According to Cybersecurity Ventures, global spending on cybersecurity solutions could reach an impressive $459 billion annually by 2025. Whether it's a multinational corporation or a small start-up, organizations across the globe are increasingly recognizing the need to protect their digital assets from potential threats.

What is UEBA: The Complete Guide to User and Entity Behavior Analytics

As the world becomes increasingly digital, cyber-attacks are becoming more sophisticated, and traditional security measures, like firewalls and passwords, are no longer sufficient in protecting sensitive data. This raises a critical question: how can organizations identify hidden threats lurking within their networks?

MSSP vs. In-House SOC: Navigating Your Cybersecurity Path

The rapid growth of interconnectedness has been a significant contributor to global prosperity, adding at least 10% to the world's GDP in the past decade. As the digital world becomes more interconnected, infrastructure owners and operators must actively build an integrated cyberdefense. The necessity to protect vital data and information from cyber threats highlights the importance of cyber strategy structure and efficient solutions.

10 Cybersecurity Threats for 2024: Prediction and Detection

By the end of 2025, the cost of cyber attacks on the global economy is predicted to reach $10.5 trillion. This data shows that organizations across industries must be prepared against new threats, with a focus on ensuring resilience and security. Navigating this challenging landscape requires organizations to stay up to date on upcoming security challenges.

13 Cybersecurity Trends in 2024: Security Operations Evolution

The cyber security landscape presents new challenges and threats, with the projected number of global IoT-connected devices expected to exceed 75 billion by 2025. By the end of next year, cyber-attacks are expected to cost the global economy over $10.5 trillion, highlighting the urgent need for security operations advancements. This blog will explore 13 cybersecurity trends in the evolving cybersecurity landscape for the new year.

How to Streamline Security Incident Management & Response

A security incident refers to an attack on an organization's cybersecurity system, network, or data. All types of attacks, violations, or exploitations can be classified as security incidents, regardless of their impact. This blog post will provide you with a solid understanding of Security Incident Management and Response and how streamlining this process can enhance your company’s workflow.

What Does a SIEM Solution Do: Logsign Perspective

Businesses are currently witnessing improvements in cybersecurity capabilities, thanks to advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI). However, the progress is accompanied by a parallel increase in the threat and sophistication of cyber-attacks, especially when the right event monitoring and threat detection tools are not utilized. Deloitte's latest research on security operations indicates that in 2023, 12.5% of businesses experienced more than one security event.

Why Companies Choose MSSPs for Unified Security

Cyber threat intelligence is gaining popularity in today's digital landscape, as organizations face many security threats that can compromise their sensitive data and disrupt their operations. To effectively reduce these risks and further advance threat detection, many companies are turning to Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs) for unified security solutions. In this blog post, we will explain why companies choose MSSPs and the advantages of MSSPs for unified security.

The Benefits of Using a Unified Platform for Incident Response

In today's rapidly changing cybersecurity landscape, swift and effective incident response is pivotal. Traditional incident response approaches, involving disparate tools and isolated processes, have proven inadequate to the task. That's where unified platforms come into play—a comprehensive approach to incident response that streamlines and centralizes the entire process.

The Ultimate Guide to Cyber Threat Intelligence

In an era where cyber threats are increasingly sophisticated and ubiquitous, businesses must remain vigilant and proactive in their approach to security. Cyber threat intelligence (TI or CTI) emerges as a beacon of hope, offering insights and strategies to detect, prevent, and respond to potential cyberattacks. Through this guide, we'll walk you through what TI is, different types of TI, and how it reshapes our understanding of cybersecurity.