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ServiceNow - Username Enumeration Vulnerability (CVE-2021-45901)

During a recent engagement Trustwave SpiderLabs discovered a vulnerability (CVE-2021-45901) within ServiceNow (Orlando) which allows for a successful username enumeration by using a wordlist. By using an unauthenticated session and navigating to the password reset form, it is possible to infer a valid username. This is achieved through examination of the HTTP POST response data initially triggered by the password reset web form. This response differs depending on a username's existence.

Mitigating Third-Party Vendor Risk in Your Supply Chain

A recent survey by the analyst firm Gartner showed that 89% of companies experienced a supplier risk event in the last five years; however, those companies' overall awareness and plans to mitigate lacked maturity. As a result, it is no longer enough to secure your own company's infrastructure. You must also evaluate the risk posed by third-party vendors and plan to monitor those organizations for breaches.

6 Tips for Supply Chain Risk Management in 2022

Forrester recently predicted that in 2022, 60% of security incidents would involve third parties. Yikes! With such a large percentage of incidents taking place outside the confines of their organizations, corporate leaders need to know what to do to protect their business. So, here is a list of items to address to succeed at supply chain risk (SCR) management.

How Data Privacy Has Evolved in the Age of the Breach

As Data Privacy Day once again rolls around, we can look back at some healthy improvements when it comes to privacy that organizations made over the previous 12 months. We can also use this yearly reminder on such an important topic to look forward to the coming year to pinpoint where additional changes are needed.

CVE-2020-0696 - Microsoft Outlook Security Feature Bypass Vulnerability

During an investigation of a malware campaign, I discovered that multiple emails were bypassing a specific email security system. Interestingly, there were no bypass techniques used. Instead, the flood of spear-phishing emails made the email security system allow some of the emails, at which point I began my research on Microsoft Outlook. The issue in this case was that the specially crafted malicious link parsing on the security system was weak.

Trustwave Threat Hunting Guide: Identifying PwnKit (CVE-2021-4034) Exploitation

The Trustwave Threat Hunting team has authored a practical guide to help the cybersecurity community address the Linux “polkit” Local Privilege Escalation vulnerability (CVE-2021-4034) by identifying common behavior in exploitation.

Trustwave Action Response: Polkit Privilege Escalation Vulnerability - PwnKit (CVE-2021-4034)

Trustwave security and engineering teams became aware of the vulnerability in Polkit's pkexec component identified as CVE-2021-4034 (PwnKit) on January 25. We immediately investigated the vulnerability and potential exploits and continue to actively monitor the situation for our clients. Check your distribution for specific patches. As part of a strong patch management program, ensuring your infrastructure and applications are up to date is critical for mitigating cyber risk..

Dark Web Recon: Cybercriminals Fear More Law Enforcement Action in the Wake of the REvil Takedown

In the wake of the takedown of the REvil/Sodinokibi ransomware gang by the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) on January 14, Eastern-European cybercriminals are feeling the ground shake. In the days following the FSB action, Trustwave SpiderLabs researchers have analyzed a slew of Dark Web chatter and have found that this potential new world is breeding fear in that community.

Russia's FSB Takes Down REvil Cyber Gang in an Unprecedented Series of Raids

Reuters reported on Friday that the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) and local police launched a series of raids against members of the REvil/Sodinokibi ransomware gang at the request of the United States. More than a dozen arrests were made with millions in cash and goods being confiscated by authorities. This unprecedented action from the Russian Federal Security Service aligns with the fear that we've observed while conducting cybercriminal chatter reconnaissance on the Dark Web.