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The Beginning of Ransomware

Ransomware's ascent from a minor crime to a multi-billion-dollar industry shows the seriousness of the danger to corporations. But even though Ransomware has been making the news regularly for the past five years, it is not new to hold user data or systems hostage and then demand a payment to get them back. This article will look at the evolution of ransomware, from its first known attack in 1989 to the vicious threat it has become in the present.

OWASP Top Ten: Insecure Design

OWASP Top Ten: Insecure Design A new addition to the OWASP Top Ten, Insecure design is one of the leading causes of data breaches today. By understanding and avoiding these patterns, you can make your Web Applications more secure. In this blog post, we will give you a brief overview of Insecure Design and provide tips on how to avoid this vulnerability in your own applications.

OWASP Top Ten: Cryptographic Failures

Cryptographic Failures are a major security problem. They can lead to data breaches, identity theft, and other serious problems. The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) has identified ten major failures. These failures can be divided into three categories: Cryptographic design flaws, cryptographic implementation errors and cryptographic key management.

OWASP Top Ten: Injection

Injection is one of the top OWASP vulnerabilities for a reason. It can allow attackers to inject their own malicious code into programs, which can result in serious security breaches. This blog post will discuss what injection is, how it occurs, and some of the most common attack vectors. We will also provide tips on how to protect your website and Web Applications from these attacks.

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Ransomware Attacks: How They Happen, the Threats and Risks

Ransomware attacks are on the rise, and businesses need to be aware of the dangers they pose. In this blog post, we will discuss how ransomware attacks take place, the threats they pose, and the aftermath for businesses. We will also provide tips for protecting your business from ransomware attacks. If you prefer a watch over a read, our consultant breaks Ransomware down in the video below.

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The Importance of Penetration Testing for Your Business

Did you know that a third of all businesses will experience a cyber-attack this year? And that's just the ones that are reported! The fact is, if you're not doing penetration testing on your business, you're at risk. In this blog post, we'll break down what penetration testing is and why it's so important for businesses. We'll also discuss the risks of not having security testing done, and how it can impact your bottom line.

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What is Penetration Testing?

A Penetration Test commonly consists of assessing; the confidentiality, integrity and availability of an information system, widely known as the CIA triad. There are numerous penetration testing approaches. This can include black-box testing, white-box testing and grey-box testing which all, in turn, provide remediation advice. However, the three types of testing define different approaches the consultant takes during an assessment and all have different benefits and disadvantages.