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How to Prevent Whaling Attacks: A Complete Guide

Senior-level executives handle sensitive data and information daily – making them an enticing target for cybercriminals. One of the most complex schemes to date is the whaling attack, in which hackers impersonate high-ranking employees to gain access to computer systems and networks. Whaling attacks have seen a dramatic 131% increase between Q1 2020 and Q1 2021, costing enterprises around $1.8 billion in damages.

Banish Shadow IT With Digital Footprint

It’s out there. In the deep, dark corners of your IT estate, it’s been hiding. Maybe it’s that “killer app” one of the department heads brought back from a trade show. Or maybe it’s that campaign microsite that marketing had a contractor develop for a “skunkworks” launch. Shadow IT is more than an asset management problem. It’s a security problem because you can’t secure what you can’t see.

SecurityScorecard Discovers new botnet, 'Zhadnost,' responsible for Ukraine DDoS attacks

SecurityScorecard (SSC) has identified three separate DDoS attacks which all targeted Ukrainian government and financial websites leading up to and during Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Details of these DDoS attacks have not yet been publicly identified.

Understanding the Basics of Cyber Insurance: What You Need to Know

Data breaches and cybercrime are all too common. And in recent years, ransomware attacks have caused many organizations to face hefty extortion payments, legal fees, and reputational damage – not to mention the major headache that comes with each. Cyber insurance has become a powerful tool in the world of cyberattacks to help protect organizations from the implications of a ransomware attack, but many don’t understand what a cyber insurance policy actually covers.

Breach Costs - Millions of Lost Revenue

At the end of 2021, Capital One agreed to pay a settlement of $190 million to 98 million customers whose personal data was stolen in a 2019 data breach. Similar class-action lawsuits were filed in 2021 against T-Mobile, Shopify, and Ledger. When it comes to the cost of breaches, however, those are just the legal fees. Every year, businesses lose millions of dollars in revenue to cyberattacks and data breaches.

What is Cyber Hygiene? Definition, Benefits, & Best Practices

You’ve likely been practicing good personal hygiene since childhood, but have you heard of cyber hygiene? Similar to personal hygiene practices which maintain good health and well-being, cyber hygiene practices maintain the health and well-being of your sensitive data and connected devices. This blog will define cyber hygiene, discuss the importance of maintaining cyber hygiene and explore best practices for ensuring cybersecurity.

Past as a Prologue: What Users can Expect with 2022 Cyber Threats

The cyber risk landscape changes quickly. In the last few years we’ve seen a rise in the number of ransomware attacks, and the end of 2021 was marked by the Log4J vulnerability. As data stacks get bigger and more difficult to defend, you may be wondering what threats are on the horizon in 2022. Based on what we’ve seen so far, the coming year’s risks are likely to be fairly familiar.

How Cybercriminals are Leveraging Weaponized AI for Cyber Attacks

In the world of cybersecurity, artificial intelligence (AI) has changed the way we discover, respond, and recover from cyberattacks. But despite the several advancements of AI in cybersecurity, cyberattacks are becoming more and more dangerous because of AI. Cybercriminals are now leveraging existing artificial intelligence tools and AI-based technologies for use in their own attacks, and as a result, cyber threats and attacks are becoming harder to prevent.

What is a Whaling Attack (Whaling Phishing)? Definition & Examples

According to the FBI Internet Crime 2020 Report, phishing scams were the most prominent attack in 2020 with 241,342 complaints reported and adjusted losses of $54 million. In particular, whaling (a highly targeted phishing attack) has been on the rise and is only expected to grow from here. A whaling attack targets high-profile executives with access to valuable information and systems. Let’s take a closer look at whaling attacks and how to stay protected.

25 Common Types of Malware & How To Identify Them

Viruses, worms, ransomware — even the least tech-savvy among us know what these are, and want to avoid them if at all possible. What do they all have in common (besides the fact that they can lock up your devices and attempt to steal your data)? They all fall under the malware umbrella.