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Secure the Lifeblood of the American Economy

Small and medium-sized businesses account for 4.17 percent of private sector employees and almost half of the United States’ gross domestic product , yet—due to limited finances, resources, and staff—many have difficulties when it comes to supply chain management. Geopolitics, inflation, and worker shortages are just a few variables that can impact supply chains; 86% of SMB supply chains have already been or expect to be impacted by Russia’s war in Ukraine.

7 Factors that Drive Cyber Risk: New Research from Marsh McLennan and SecurityScorecard

The expanding attack surface of an increasingly interconnected digital world comes with a high degree of risk due to ransomware, phishing attempts, supply chain attacks, data breaches, and other cyber incidents. And while many organizations recognize the need for cyber insurance, a recent Forrester Research report found that only 55% of organizations in North America have purchased cyber insurance. 1

How resilient is your supply chain?

This week kicks off the 6th annual National Supply Chain Integrity Month, an initiative started by CISA and other government agencies to highlight the importance of securing our nation’s most critical systems. This year’s theme, “Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) – The Recipe for Resilience,” is meant to encourage all stakeholders to apply a comprehensive approach in their efforts to strengthen cyber defenses.

6 Ways To Use SecurityScorecard APIs and Integrations

Optimize your security workflows and deliver intelligence everywhere you work with the largest ecosystem of integrated technology partners in cyber risk ratings. SecurityScorecard provides Application Programming Interface (API) access for all our data allowing you to get more contextual security insights, app integrations, and detailed information about your current or prospective vendors. You can leverage our APIs and Integrations in the following ways.

Committed to Improving the State of the World: Thoughts on the World Economic Forum's New Champions Leadership Dialogue

Following CEO and Co-Founder Aleksandr Yampolskiy’s attendance at Davos, and SecurityScorecard’s subsequent visit to Geneva to meet with world leaders at WEF Headquarters, Alex spoke this week to another community of WEF members near our headquarters in New York City during the Forum’s New Champions Leadership Dialogue. New Champions companies are mid-sized organizations transforming industries through new business models and market disruptions.

Introducing Score Guarantee

SecurityScorecard is a customer-obsessed organization, which is why we asked ourselves: How can we provide more value to the thousands of CISOs who rely on our security ratings to make smarter, faster business decisions? We now make this guarantee: Qualified customers who maintain an A grade within the SecurityScorecard security ratings platform and still suffer an incident are eligible for complimentary Digital Forensics and Incident Response services.

How Can AI Predict Cybersecurity Incidents?

As technology becomes more prevalent in our lives, the risk of cybersecurity incidents is also increasing. Cybersecurity incidents can cause significant damage to organizations, including financial loss, reputational damage, and theft of sensitive data. Therefore, it is essential to have a robust cybersecurity system in place to protect against cyber-attacks. Artificial intelligence (AI) is one technology that can be used to predict cybersecurity incidents and mitigate their associated risks.

How Ransomware as a Service (RaaS) Can Make Anyone a Hacker

Ransomware as a Service (RaaS) has been a growing trend in recent years, enabling anyone with an internet connection to become a hacker. In the past, launching a ransomware attack required a high level of technical expertise, but RaaS has lowered the barrier to entry, making it easier for anyone to launch a ransomware attack. So, how does RaaS work, and what are the implications for businesses and individuals?

Is it Worth Having Cyber Insurance?

As more and more businesses and individuals rely on technology and the Internet, cyber threats such as data breaches, malware attacks, and cyber extortion are becoming increasingly common. Overall, cyber insurance can help mitigate the financial, legal, and reputational risks associated with cyber incidents.