Veracode: Pipeline Scan, Meeting the Needs of Modern DevOps - NessPRO & Veracode

Veracode: Pipeline Scan, Meeting the Needs of Modern DevOps - NessPRO & Veracode


How are you integrating security into the development process? Are you able to test for security without slowing down the development process? We want to hear about your experiences and share our new initiatives in addressing this challenge.

Marketing leading Application Security Testing vendor Veracode recently announced their new Static Analysis product family, which combines their existing static scan types with a new Pipeline scan. Veracode Static Analysis now incorporates the IDE Scan, which helps developers learn as they code and prevent new flaws, the Pipeline Scan, which provides feedback quickly so that production isn’t halted, and the Policy Scan for reporting that satisfies security and auditor requirements.

Please join us for this interactive workshop – we want to hear your challenges, answer your questions, and show you this latest technological advancement and how it can address your application security problems. In this workshop, you’ll get:

  • An in-depth look at Veracodes new Pipeline Scan
  • Information on how Veracode Static Analysis can help you secure your code across the pipeline
  • Discussion about the value of fast security feedback in the IDE as developers code
  • Details on how Veracode Static Analysis can help you satisfy policy and reporting requirements