Elastic: Tales from the trenches: Security leaders share insights on protecting higher education

Elastic: Tales from the trenches: Security leaders share insights on protecting higher education


Higher education institutions must stop motivated adversaries from compromising diverse assets — from proprietary research to financial data, health records, and more.

Cranfield University, based in the United Kingdom, maintains a first-class IT infrastructure with Elastic Security and Microsoft to accommodate the needs of thousands of students, faculty, and alumni logging onto Cranfield's networks, often using multiple devices.

The University's security team must continually safeguard networks, data, and devices across the world, as well as support partnerships with aerospace, energy, and manufacturing organizations.

Join our panel discussion, with guest speakers, Edward Poll, Head of IT Infrastructure and Luke Whitworth, Network Specialist from Cranfield University, Dustin Ryan, Director, Data & AI Specialist from Microsoft and Mark Settle, Principal Product Marketing Manager, Elastic Security — as they share their unique perspective and experiences with:

  • Overcoming security challenges facing higher education institutions
  • Extending visibility across an outsized attack surface
  • Threat forecasts for the upcoming year and suggestions on how security teams can prepare for them
  • Uncovering threats with machine learning-based anomaly detection
  • Modernizing security operations with cloud-based SIEM
  • How Elastic and Microsoft Azure are positioned to help organizations surface underlying risks while maintaining security posture when integrating AI into their organization.