Elastic: LLM safety assessment: The definitive guide on avoiding and mitigating risks

Elastic: LLM safety assessment: The definitive guide on avoiding and mitigating risks


For all the potential of GenAI, broad adoption has been guarded. This is because LLMs represent yet another potential entry point for malicious actors to gain access to private information or a foothold in an organisation’s IT ecosystems.

So how can you harness the full potential of GenAI without increasing the potential attack surface for cyber criminals to exploit?

In this webinar, we’ll unpick the findings from Elastic Security Labs’ recent LLM Safety Assessment report. Key takeaways will include:

  • Understand the risks with LLM implementations
  • How to develop LLMs responsibly
  • Common threats to LLMs
  • Mitigation techniques

Join Elastic experts on 11 July to find out more!