Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

April 2020

Universal Artifact Management and Security Scanning - DevSecOps with JFrog Cloud ProX

Are you ready to deliver higher quality releases more quickly, efficiently and securely? In this webinar you will learn how to accelerate your delivery, with confidence. We will demo how JFrog Cloud ProX combines all the benefits of Artifactory Universal Repository Manager, with JFrog Xray - for integrated security vulnerability scanning & license compliance.

Enable Global DevSecOps with Cloud Enterprise and Xray on AWS

When software can travel around the globe at the speed of the cloud’s gusts, enterprises need to be extra certain the updates they release are safe for customers to use. If an app built in Palo Alto uses a vulnerable package from Belgrade, losses can ripple from Sheboygan to Shanghai. At JFrog, we believe enabling global DevSecOps in the cloud should be an easy process.

Predict 2020 - Developers Do Security

Amid all the talk of shifting left, mingling the DevOps and Security tribes and how can we do code better, faster and with more quality a funny thing happened. Security vendors are developing security tools for devs and DevOps. The security team still pays for them, but they won't buy them without Dev and DevOps buy in. What does this mean for 2020? Will we see better "quality (codeword for security)" in our apps? What should security teams be doing to make this happen? What should Devs and DevOps teams do to adopt these new developer-friendly tools? Is 2020 the year DevSecOps makes a difference?