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December 2024

RBAC vs. ABAC: Choosing the Right Access Control Model for Your Organization

It’s 9:00 AM, and your team is ready to tackle the day. But before they can start, access issues rear their ugly head. A developer can’t get into the staging server and IT is buried under a mountain of permission requests. Sounds familiar? Employees lose up to five hours weekly on IT access issues, while IT teams spend 48% of their time handling manual provisioning. These inefficiencies cost both time and valuable progress. So, how do you fix it?

Quick Learn: Four Capabilities of PAM

In this edition, Rom discusses four essential capabilities to consider when using a solution to manage cloud privileges and access to resources. He emphasizes the importance of visibility across all cloud access, planning for scale upfront, speaking the language of both security and DevOps, and ensuring easy onboarding and fast adoption. These four points are a great starting point for making the right PAM buying decision.