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July 2024

What's the buzz about NIS 2?

The latest version of the Network and Information Security Directive (NIS 2) has severe implications for companies that provide services or carry out activities in the European Union (EU). NIS 2’s goal is to establish a higher level of security and cyber resilience for member EU states in 18 essential industry sectors. Violations can lead to substantial fines, legal liability and even criminal sanctions on an individual level. and Software Supply Chain Security: A Cautionary Tale

Over 100,000 websites using a popular JavaScript service ( are now victims of a web supply chain attack. A web supply chain attack is a cyberattack is a type of software supply chain attack that targets a third-party web software component to gain access to an organization’s systems or data. These attacks can be difficult to prevent because they can be hard to detect, take advantage of trust, and have long-lasting effects.

Recent Interview Reveals How Asklepios Kliniken GmbH Improves Risk Exposure with CyCognito

I recently sat down with Daniel Maier-Johnson, the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), and Markus Diehm, Cybersecurity Analyst, with Asklepios Kliniken GmbH, Germany’s second-largest private healthcare provider, to hear about their experience using CyCognito to gain continuous monitoring, prioritize cyber risks, and safeguard patient information. Vital to any healthcare organization, is keeping patient data safe while complying with an ever-growing number of government regulations.