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January 2021

Red Team: O365 MFA Bypass To Device Compromise

The array of phishing vectors used by attackers is constantly expanding. On a daily basis we observe numerous different phishing themes such as voicemails, fake invoices and documents requiring signing. Recently, we have seen more topical themes such as US elections, COVID-19 and Brexit.

Reflective DLL Injection In The Wild

December 2020, the weeks before Christmas, saw an increase in reported malware activity that culminated most prominently in the Sunburst Trojan attacks - events that are still developing as of today. As we were asserting our readiness to respond to new threats under our watch, we identified a suspicious executable being copied to a remote network share.

Exploring NTFS Alternate Data Streams from a security standpoint

In this blog we will explore several ways that Alternate Data Streams (ADS) are abused by attackers to hide files and evade detection, defences based on them (and ways to bypass those defences!) but also how they can be used to help malware evade dynamic analysis.