Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

April 2023

Demo Hub launched for Kondukto Technology Partners

For quite a time we have been thinking about ways to make it easier for Kondukto users to try out the integrations of our Technology Partners. At this year’s RSA in San Francisco we are now happy to announce the first release of our Demo Hub. This industry-first feature, integrated right into the Kondukto platform, makes it easier for customers to evaluate and benchmark different solutions from the growing number of Kondukto’s Technology Partners.

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How To Get Developer Buy-In For AppSec Programs

Anyone who works on application security knows developers are inseparable from AppSec programs. Even so, the hardest part is figuring out how to get security on their agenda and actively involve them in preventing and managing vulnerabilities. Only with their buy-in and active involvement, it is possible to scale an application security program to the level desired by AppSec teams, especially in large enterprises where developers way outnumber security engineers.