Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

November 2022

What is Security Service Edge(SSE) and How Does It Help to Achieve SASE?

Every technology has its downside. Likewise, internet use also has its drawback of cyber threats, which we already know. All the companies are struggling to secure their virtual assets from cyber-attacks to run a successful business. But the threat possibilities are worsening with new concepts like working from remote locations and cloud computing.

Cyber Resilience: What is it and its Advantages

The world is changing rapidly, and cyber-attackers are adapting to it faster than the rate of development of security solutions. Advances in technology also lead to advances in cybercrimes backed by the evolution of cybercriminals. You cannot just stick to old-school techniques to prevent a data breach. Traditional security measures such as firewalls and antivirus software are not providing an adequate solution in the evolving cyber world.