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October 2020

Top Tips for Getting Started With a Software Composition Analysis Solution

You’ve purchased a software composition analysis solution, and you’re excited to start scanning. Before you do, read our top tips for getting started with WhiteSource. Following some basic guidelines ensures your implementation gets off on the right foot.

Be Wise - Prioritize: Taking Application Security To the Next Level

As the number of known vulnerabilities continues to grow every year, software development and application security teams are increasingly relying on vulnerability detection tools throughout development. The result: teams are often overwhelmed with a steady stream of security alerts that must be addressed, and it’s becoming clear that it’s impossible to attempt to fix everything.

Eclipse SW360: Main Features

Over five years ago, Adrian Bridgwater wrote a Forbes article pronouncing that “If Software Is Eating The World, Then Open Source Will Chew It Up (And Swallow).” That statement is just as true today. Open source components have become a basic building block for software developers, providing them with ready-made solutions from a vast community that help them keep up with today’s speedy and frequent release cycles.

Why Manually Tracking Open Source Components Is Futile

Open source is everywhere. Everyone is using it. Open source code is found in almost every proprietary software offering on the market and is estimated to make up on average 60%-80% of all software codebases in 2020. Why the proliferation? Open source libraries help developers write code faster to meet the increasingly shorter release cycles under DevOps pipelines. Instead of writing new code, developers leverage existing open source libraries to quickly gain needed functionality.