Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

November 2023

Getting Your Daily Security News Into Graylog

For as long as I can remember, I have started my day off by reading various security news sites to figure out what I need to be aware of and any new trends that are being spotted. I used to do this on my phone while commuting, and now I work from home, but I still follow this routine, and that got me thinking, why not feed Graylog with this information?

Challenges with Cybersecurity Asset Identification and Management

Anyone who’s ever misplaced their wallet knows that horrible moment where their stomach drops, the beads of perspiration begin to form on their forehead, and they start mulling over worst-case scenarios. In that worst case scenario, someone used the cash and cards in the wallet to go on a personal spending spree. In a company’s IT environment, a missing device or shadow IT represents that missing wallet.