Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

May 2023

How To Complete a Cybersecurity Investigation Faster

Despite implementing cybersecurity administrative and technical risk mitigation control, companies still experience cybersecurity incidents and data breaches. Not every security incident ends with data exfiltration. An organization that can contain the attacker early in the kill chain can prevent data loss and reduce the incident’s impact.

Understanding the ISO 27000 Series Changes

David Bowie once sang, “ch-ch-ch-changes, turn and face the strange.” While the changes to ISO 27000-series may look strange, they’re primarily a configuration and modernization of the same standard you already know. The standard’s format looks entirely different, but most of your current controls will remain the same.

Leveling Up Security Operations with Risk-Based Alerting

In life, you get a lot of different alerts. Your bank may send emails or texts about normal account activities, like privacy notices, product updates, or account statements. It also sends alerts when someone fraudulently makes a purchase with your credit card. You can ignore most of the normal messages, but you need to pay attention to the fraud alerts. Security is the same way.