Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

November 2022

Data Security vs. Data Privacy: What should you be concerned with?

Data trafficking for identity theft is rife. Approximately 82% of the web contains some form of third-party scripts, with over half tracking users. 2020 saw the sharpest rise in data theft for malicious use. Over 500,000 reported identity theft cases through digital channels in the United States. These thefts are often used to perform bank and credit card fraud, government and document fraud, and loan or lease fraud.

9 Steps to Ensure a Secure Data Supply Chain

In today’s data-driven world, businesses view data as a crucial business asset. Companies gather growing volumes of information from increasingly diverse data sources. Coupled with distributed and complex IT environments, this interwoven data landscape presents cyber threats through data supply chain risks.‍ A statistic exemplifying data supply chain risks is that 45 percent of data breaches occur in cloud computing systems, many of which aren’t owned by the companies that use them.