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April 2022

10 Best Practices for Cloud Security Posture Management

A famous quote attributed to bank robber Willie “the Actor” Sutton states: “I rob banks because that’s where the money is.” Well, in recent years, as more of our data migrates to the cloud, crime follows. According to a recent report by intelligence firm IDC, 98% of the companies surveyed had experienced at least one cloud data breach 18 months prior to the study.

Top 5 Benefits of Cloud Data Protection Platform

Making money is the ultimate goal of any corporation but not losing money is just as important. According to IBM, the average cost of a data breach is $4.24M, a substantial impact on your bottom line. And according to Gartner, by 2025, 60% of organizations will use cybersecurity risk assessment as the primary factor in choosing business partners. You cannot go any further without adequate cybersecurity solutions.

DLP Approach for The Cloud is Broken: Here's Why and How to Solve It

Data Loss Prevention (DLP) is one of the long-standing and more traditional approaches to securing enterprise data. It can be either network or endpoint-based, each having their own unique benefits and challenges. DLP technologies have traditionally been prone to false positives, and as such, some of their best use-cases are for controlling very predictable and structured content in very specific situations.

What is a Data Subject Access Request (DSAR) And Why You Should Care?

In a security landscape defined by regular high-profile breaches compromising individual data - states, countries, and economic unions introduced laws aiming to give people more control over what businesses do with their data. A pressing security concern for CISOs, IT security, and compliance teams is ensuring that their organization doesn’t breach any rules from the increasing number of regulations protecting people’s data.

10 Data Vulnerabilities That Can Cause Data Loss

Data loss can result from a variety of vulnerabilities that are common in data storage systems. Because of their prevalence, these vulnerabilities can cause widespread data loss if not properly addressed. According to IBM, the average cost of a data breach for US-based companies is approximately $8.6 million. In addition to this, it could take more than nine months to identify that a data breach has occurred.