Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

January 2023

Kubescape brings a new level of security to Charmed Kubernetes

The popular open-source platform Kubescape by ARMO has been recently announced as a fully managed operator called a Charm for Canonical’s Charmed Kubernetes distribution. This collaboration between Canonical and ARMO is exciting for the solution it enables for end users, ultimately resulting in hardened and more secure Kubernetes environments.

CNCF accepts Kubescape as its first security and compliance scanner project

Kubescape, an end-to-end open-source Kubernetes security platform, embarks on a new journey. Kubescape, created by ARMO, will fully migrate to the CNCF. This coincides with the launch of ARMO Platform, a hosted, managed security solution powered by Kubescape.

How we differentiate ARMO Platform from Open Source Kubescape

In August 2021 we launched Kubescape with a mission to make Kubernetes security open source, simple, and available for everyone, even non-security engineers. Since then we have been working on adding new capabilities to Kubescape, while building a strong community around it. The recent acceptance of Kubescape by the CNCF, as a sandbox project, is another important milestone for ARMO’s open-source journey with Kubescape.