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March 2022

CVE-2022-23648 - Arbitrary Host File Access from containers launched by containerd CRI and its impact on Kubernetes

Recently discovered vulnerability - CVE-2022-23648 - in containerd, a popular container runtime, allows especially containers to gain read-only access to files from the host machine. While general container isolation is expected to prevent such access, in Kubernetes, it is especially dangerous because well-known and highly sensitive files are stored in known locations on the host.

Getting Started with Kubernetes Ingress

Kubernetes Ingress is one of today’s most important Kubernetes resources. First introduced in 2015, it achieved GA status in 2020. Its goal is to simplify and secure the routing mechanism of incoming traffic to your defined services. Ingress allows you to expose HTTP and HTTPS from outside the cluster to your services within the cluster by leveraging traffic routing rules you define while creating the Ingress.

NSA & CISA Kubernetes Hardening Guide - what is new with version 1.1

In March 2022, NSA & CISA has issued a new version of the Kubernetes Hardening Guide – version 1.1. It updates the previous version that was released in August 2021. Kubernetes evolves fast, and Kubernetes adoption grows even quicker. Kubernetes has become a very popular target and therefore requires continuous enhancement of the protection measures.

CVE-2022-0492 - Privilege Escalation and Container Escape Vulnerability and its impact on Kubernetes

On March 4th, a new privilege escalation vulnerability (CVE-2022-0492) in the Linux kernel was published. It has the potential to allow container escape and take control over the entire node on which the container runs. All the CSPs and Linux distribution providers have issued patches to close this vulnerability. Unfortunately, there is no unified kernel version numbering across these platforms and some of them allow to apply a patch without changing the kernel version number.