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April 2020

Introducing remediations, Python support and more...

Note: This is Bearer's monthly newsletter. Subscribe below to get it in your inbox. I hope you are doing well with this never-seen-before-worldwide-lockdown. The whole Bearer team is locked down as well, but still improving your beloved product! We have a lot of updates and awesome new features for you to explore today. Here is a short overview to get you started!

Best Practices for Building API Integrations

Modern applications aren’t built in silos. They rely on the features of other applications. This reliance can come in the form of open-source libraries, access to a wealth of data, or complex features distilled down into a consumable API. Incorporating third-party dependencies into your own project can be challenging. It comes with the benefits of faster development, and the downside of reliance. There is a relationship that happens when using a dependency.

Add Retries to Your API Calls

Whether you're making API calls from Node.js or in the browser, connection failures are going to happen eventually. Some request errors are valid. Maybe the endpoint was wrong or the client sent the wrong data. Other times you can be sure that the error is the result of a problem with the connection to the server or one of the many hops in-between. While API and web service monitoring can inform you about the problem, a more active solution can take care of it for you.