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May 2023

5 Guiding Principles to protect your IP effectively with Zero Trust

Zero Trust is the new Buzz word in the cybersecurity arena. Ever since, Forrester Analyst, Kindervag introduced the term Zero Trust in his article “Zero Trust Architecture”, traditional security measures have become obsolete. Zero Trust is a security framework that is based on an “I Trust No One” principle; it doesn’t matter if the user is within or outside the organization. A user is not granted access unless he/she is authenticated and authorized first.

Why is the US DoD taking a Zero Trust Approach?

Recently the US Department of Defense (DoD) cyber-perimeter had been breached by state-sponsored and individual hackers. Vulnerabilities exposed by data breaches inside and outside the DoD demonstrate the need for a more robust cybersecurity framework that facilitates risk-based protection. In October 2022, it released the “DoD Zero Trust Strategy” and road map.