Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

March 2022

How to secure Kubernetes at the infrastructure level: 10 best practices

Infrastructure security is something that is important to get right so that attacks can be prevented—or, in the case of a successful attack—damage can be minimized. It is especially important in a Kubernetes environment because, by default, a large number of Kubernetes configurations are not secure. Securing Kubernetes at the infrastructure level requires a combination of host hardening, cluster hardening, and network security.

Defense in depth with Calico Cloud

Last month, we announced the launch of our active cloud-native application runtime security. Calico Cloud’s active runtime security helps security teams secure their containerized workloads with a holistic approach to threat detection, prevention, and mitigation. As security teams look to secure these workloads, it’s also critical that they employ a defense-in-depth strategy.

Zero-trust for cloud-native workloads

There has been a huge uptick in microservices adoption in the data analytics domain, primarily aided by machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) projects. Some of the reasons why containers are popular among ML developers is the ease of portability, scalability, and quick access to data using services—specifically network services. The rise of cloud-native applications, especially for big data in the analytics sector, makes these applications a prime target for cyber crime.