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June 2019

Single Sign-On for Kubernetes: The Command Line Experience

One of these problems is that Kubernetes has no login process. Ordinarily, the client software would initiate this login flow, but kubectl does not have this built in. Kubernetes leaves it up to you to design the login experience. In this post, I will explain the journey we took to get engineers logged in from the terminal and the challenges we faced along the way. The first step to SSO was to set up Dex as our Identity Provider.

KlusterKit - Enable Kubernetes based Architectures in Air Gapped Deployments

Early adopter enterprises across verticals such as Retail, Manufacturing, Oil & Gas are looking to incorporate containers and Kubernetes as a way of modernizing their applications. Choosing k8s as a standard ensures that these applications can be deployed these on different data center infrastructures (bare metal/VMware/KVM on OpenStack etc) or on public clouds (AWS/Azure/GCP etc).

Containerized Air Gapped Edge Platform Architecture

An emerging use case for containerized platforms has been the ability to deploy applications in what is termed as an air-gapped deployment. This deployment pattern is particularly pronounced around edge computing (more on that later in the blog series) – though there exist significant differences between edge clusters and air-gapped deployments. Air-gapped applications are those that run isolated from datacenter or internet connectivity.