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January 2021

SIEM & AI - A Match Made in Heaven?

Are Information security event management (SIEM) and artificial intelligence (AI) a marriage made in heaven or just more sales hysteria in the industry? The reality, of course, is that security and system/application event correlation systems have been around for quite a long time. The term SIEM was first promoted by analyst firm Gartner in 2005. The lingering question is, are the analytics available in SIEM products identical to AI, or is AI only rebranded for sales purposes with analytics?

Why is polymorphic malware better than metamorphic malware?

Imagine a malicious entity or virus that can change and modify over time. This shapeshifter camouflages itself by adjusting its "genetic makeup," its code to conceal itself from those who are trying to destroy it. Sadly, this situation is not just something that you need to think up. While it may sound like something from a science fiction novel, in the world of IT security, polymorphic malware is all too true. Polymorphic malware is more common than most people realize.