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December 2022

The Network Song

...The world depends on networks Business fails without networks But only a few of us understand networks Oh man, please don’t bring my network down Let me be the hero of my network... With a network digital twin like Forward Enterprise, nothing's gonna stop you now! Powerful digital twin software enables network, security, and cloud operations teams to troubleshoot issues more quickly and to get ahead of the problem entirely, preventing costly outages.

Modern Enterprises Require End-to-End Visibility

If you have a single vendor, single cloud homogenous network where everything is documented, you know where every device is, and you know all the possible paths in your network, then you are a networking deity. Realistically, nobody has a “simple” and fully documented network. Mainly because enterprises grew over time with the organization.

Evaluating Network Validation Solutions

Sometimes as a network engineer, you may feel like you're walking through a carnival where the barker shouts, "Step right up, ladies and gentlemen," promising something never seen before, only to find a poorly constructed paper mache replica of the impossible (or in our world, vaporware). Eventually, you become jaded and ignore the shouts until someone you trust tells you to take a look.