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January 2025

How Open-Source Security Frameworks Drive Better Cyber Defense

Open-source security frameworks are an essential tool in the cybersecurity arsenal. These frameworks provide the foundation for building secure systems and adhering to key industry standards. Yet, despite their importance, many practitioners and organizations fail to tap into the full potential of these frameworks. Exploring them in depth can unlock significant value for businesses, developers, and security teams.

Cybersecurity Sessions Podcast: Open-Source Security Frameworks w/ OWASP Board Member Sam Stepanyan

If you work in application security, you’re probably familiar with the OWASP Top 10. But open-source frameworks like those maintained by OWASP members have a lot to offer security practitioners. In this episode of the Cybersecurity Sessions podcast, Netacea CISO Andy Ash meets OWASP Global Board Member and London Chapter Leader Sam Stepanyan to find out how Sam got involved with OWASP, and the influence it has on the security world.