Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

December 2018

From Paper to Protected With Optical Character Recognition

For many organizations, the transition to paperless systems is fraught with operational challenges. The difficulty is not so much with the deployment and adoption of digital tools, but rather with converting piles of paper into usable data. The first step in this process is high-volume document scanning; turning the physical stuff digital. Next, it’s time to make sense of the image captures.

The Ransomware Remedy

As ransomware attacks become more sophisticated, they pose an ever-increasing threat to data-driven systems. Much like an infectious disease, malware wreaks the most havoc once it spreads; so the best way for hackers to get the most bang for their buck is by targeting vulnerable businesses. When an encrypted file from one account syncs to the cloud and to other devices, productivity grinds to a halt.