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November 2018

SFTP: The Future of Large Data Transfers

In a world where sharing files is as easy as clicking a link, it’s hard to imagine using older services like FTP. Believe it or not, FTP and its derivatives, FTPS, FTPES and SFTP, are still widely preferred for processes like bulk file/folder transfers. To understand why FTP and SFTP are still relevant, it’s important to first know what makes each subsidiary unique. So, let’s explore the differences between them.

Egnyte Connect for Desktop 3.0: Design Meets Functionality

The first thing most of us notice after a major software update is a completely redesigned user interface. However, a new user experience is typically the result of a shift in product focus. In version 2.0, our primary focus was on intelligent data retrieval. The idea was to allow users to work on any file in the same way they would for files stored on their machine(s).

The Real Science Behind Data Quality

We’re constantly reminded of just how much data impacts our lives, from influencing elections around the world to monitoring employees at work. But there are many more situations we rarely hear about, like the competitors in the Esport championships using data to win a multi-million dollar prize. As technology writer Andrew Wooden puts it, “data has become, quite literally, a game changer.”