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October 2021

Securing legacy systems and protecting your Data

If you ask the question “who is responsible for a company’s cybersecurity,” the answer you’ll most likely hear is no longer the CTO, or the IT department, but instead the CEO. In fact, Gartner believes that 75% of CEOs will be held personally liable for cyber and physical breaches by 2024. That means there’s no more passing the buck on this complex issue.

Big Data challenges in tele-healthcare

Covid-19 pushed the boundaries of both healthcare and technology providers, and nudged people to finally embrace telehealth services. In fact, telehealth has proven to be the next frontier for the healthcare industry as it minimizes the need for in-person patient, clinic, or hospital visits which prevents overwhelming our healthcare systems. A McKinsey report shared that the use of telehealth in the US in 2021 surged 38 times compared to pre-pandemic levels.