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January 2023

The SPoF that is DNS

The idea behind “SPoF,” or “Single Point of Failure,” is that if one part of a system fails, then the entire system fails. It’s not desirable. In IT and security circles, if a system or application can be disrupted or degraded severely by the failure of just one component or subcomponent, then we usually deem the design to have a flaw.

Enterprise Cybersecurity: What it is & Why it's Important

Having effective enterprise cybersecurity is more than having your employees create a password that isn’t their pet’s name—unless perhaps their cat’s name is at least 12 characters long, and a combination of upper- and lower-case letters and symbols. Whether it’s well-researched spearphishing attempts or bypassing MFA, threat actors have only become more daring.

5 Key Cybersecurity Insights from The World Economic Forum in Davos

SecurityScorecard has been in Davos, Switzerland for the past week with heads of state, CEOs, and other global leaders as part of the 2023 World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting. Along with climate change, sustainability, and geopolitical complexities, cybersecurity is one of the hottest topics of WEF’s official programming and the myriad private events that are part of the Davos annual experience.

Five Steps Critical Manufacturing Can Take to Boost Cyber Resilience

The Fourth Industrial Revolution, with its accelerating pace of digitization and automation, means that organizations are becoming more dependent on data processing and connectivity to deliver value to their customers and stakeholders. Threat actors exploit this growing attack surface to achieve their aims: fraud, extortion, harassment, espionage, and other harms. They are smart, adaptive, and ruthless—and getting rich as a result.

What is Malware? Definition, Types, & Prevention

Malware is short for "malicious software" and refers to any software program that is designed to harm or exploit a computer or device. And unfortunately, malware is all over the internet, with 560,000 new pieces of malicious software detected every day. It can come from many potential sources, including: It’s vital for organizations to understand the risks malware poses and take effective measures to stop potential threats.

Cloud Risk Assessment Checklist: 7 Steps

Cloud computing is a powerful service, but securing its assets proves to be a difficult task by even the largest companies in the world. The average cost of a cloud breach is around $4 million, and it is vital that cloud workloads are as secure as possible. This article will explain cloud security and provide seven steps organizations should take when conducting their cloud risk assessment.

Minding the Cybersecurity Skills Gap

It’s estimated that 63.5 percent of the world’s total population—or 5.07 billion people—uses the Internet today, with a projected 30.9 billion devices connected to the Internet by 2025. (This means even more proving to CAPTCHAs that we’re not robots–good luck picking out all the fire hydrants in the grids!) With more people working from home, combined with a greater reliance on cloud services and ecommerce, the potential for cyberattacks has never been higher.