Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

December 2023

Appknox Stands Out in Gartner's 2023 'Voice of the Customer' for Application Security Testing

Appknox continues to solidify its position as a top-tier vendor in application security testing, receiving prestigious recognition from Gartner as one of the leading vendors for Voice of the Customer. This recognition underscores Appknox's unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction, its consistent delivery of robust, developer-centric security solutions, and also its continued relevance in the ever-evolving landscape of application security.

EBOM vs. MBOM vs. SBOM: Key Differences & Best Practices

Managing all aspects of the product development cycle is a crucial element of a profitable company. Most businesses understand that an efficient product lifecycle depends on the proper positioning and management of the Bills of Materials (BOM), be it for product designing and manufacturing or software development. Getting all the BOMs right is the essential first step toward achieving operational efficiency.