Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

July 2023

Data Breach Impacts American and Southwest Airlines: US Pilot Credentials Compromised

In a chilling reminder of the relentless threat posed by hackers and cybercriminals, not even the aviation industry is safe from their clutches. Recent reports have shed light on a grave security breach, as unauthorized individuals gained access to vital pilot credentials within two prominent American aviation companies. The far-reaching impact of this breach serves as a stark warning to businesses across all domains: no data is safe from the clutches of malicious actors.

SBOM to Improve Software Supply Chain Security

As software systems become more intricate and the use of third-party components increases, the security risks within the software supply chain also escalate. To combat these risks, organizations are turning to the Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) as a valuable tool. This blog will guide you through the concept of SBOM and its impact on software supply chain security.