Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

May 2023

Ultimate Security Checklist to Launch a Mobile App in Bahrain - iOS & Android

Launching a mobile app in Bahrain, whether for iOS or Android, requires careful consideration of security measures. According to the World Bank, mobile phone penetration in Bahrain reached 131% of the population in 2021. This indicates that there were more mobile phone subscriptions than the total population, suggesting that many individuals in Bahrain own multiple mobile devices or have multiple subscriptions.

Key Insights Into Gartner Report: How to Select DevSecOps Tools for Secure Software Delivery

With the advent of complex technology ecosystems like agile development processes, cloud-native platforms, and the rising use of open-source software, the importance of continuous Security and compliance has increased more than ever. As a result, leaders in the software industry must advise their teams to incorporate developer-friendly security tools into their DevSecOps pipelines.

Log4j Vulnerability and the Importance of SBOM in Software Supply Chain Security

The Apache Log4j vulnerability has been making global headlines since it became public on 9th December 2021. The report stated that the vulnerability affects Apache log4j between versions 2.0 and 2.14.1 and is independent of the underlying JDK version. It was a full-blown security meltdown that resulted in hackers performing remote code executions and affected digital systems across the globe. In response, Apache implemented patch fixes, but some components remained unattended.

Mobile App Threat Modeling and Security Testing

As technology progresses and mobile devices become ubiquitous, a remarkably large number of people worldwide are now using smartphones. In fact, current estimates show that 6.8 billion users rely on their phones for an array of activities; but most significantly – 88% is dedicated to app usage! While the above stats show that the mobile app industry is thriving, it's also a matter of concern. Why?

Securing Your Mobile Apps: Learnings from Google's Fight Against Bad Apps

Mobile app security is a critical aspect of any digital infrastructure. With our increasing need and reliance on smartphones as both communication and entertainment devices, mobile apps have become magnets for malicious actors. As such, companies like Google and Apple are implementing stringent measures to protect their app stores.

Ultimate Security Checklist to Launch a Mobile App in South America - iOS & Android

With mobile phones accounting for over 60% of website traffic in 2022, launching a mobile app in South America will be an astute decision. The future lies with smartphones and tablets, making it essential to move beyond traditional desktop solutions. But, did you know- In the first half of 2022, 10,666 ransomware signatures were found in Latin America, as against 5,400 in the last half of 2021.

Ultimate Security Checklist to Launch a Mobile App in Oman - iOS & Android

Your best mobile apps might turn into the worst ones if you neglect the security domain during the development of your app because the vulnerabilities that creep in make the apps more prone to attacks. Cybersecurity Ventures predicts that if cybercrime were an independent country, it would become the world's third-largest economy by 2025.