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February 2023

How To Build a Fintech App and How Much Does It Cost?

Fintech apps are booming as mobility has penetrated the financial industry significantly. Do you want to build an engaging fintech app that helps you better reach out with your financial offerings to customers? Since there is enormous competition in the market, it will not be accessible unless you follow the best development practices and principles. This is why we are here to provide a comprehensive guide to Fintech app development, budget, and all the steps leading to a successful app product.

Common Mobile App Security Threats and Ways to Mitigate Them

Mobile apps have become extremely popular over the last couple of years. No wonder the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store feature more than 3.5 million and 1.6 million apps, respectively. Thanks to the increasing internet penetration and affordable mobile devices. As the use of mobile apps continues to skyrocket, so does their exposure to malicious cyberattacks.

The ION Ransomware Crisis: A Wake-Up Call for Organizations

Ransomware appears to be one of the most expensive and disruptive internet afflictions. It is a type of malware that encrypts the victim's files and vital information, and hackers demand payoffs to provide the decryption keys. While ransomware is not any new form of attack on cybersecurity, the prevalent scenario is indeed alarming; the following numbers corroborate the same- It seems that individuals and organizations are likely to get affected by ransomware attacks even in 2023 and beyond.

Ultimate Security Checklist to Launch a Mobile App in UAE - iOS & Android

Launching a mobile application in the UAE? Prepare to navigate through an intricate web of laws and regulations. The Emirates' governmental framework is renowned for its unwavering adherence to data privacy, making it essential that businesses ensure compliance when dealing with customer information online.

5 Steps to Compliance with the Nigeria Data Protection Regulation

NITDA launched the ground-breaking Nigeria Data Protection Regulation (NDPR) in early 2019, cementing a culture of data privacy and protection for all Nigerians. By mirroring Europe's GDPR Framework, NITDA demonstrated its commitment to safeguarding citizens' online security. Private organizations, such as mobile development companies that control or process data, must comply with this regulation to stay operational. Fortunately, we're here to help you avoid any costly missteps.