Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

May 2022

Top 5 E-Commerce Cybersecurity Trends For 2022 That You Need To Know

Cyberattacks on e-commerce sites are always a frequent phenomenon. Every e-commerce retailer wants to improve the consumer experience, but if they're not careful, their efforts could transform their business website into a playground for cybercriminals. Without a doubt, they are gold mines of personal and financial information for threat actors. And as a result, companies worldwide are losing billions to e-commerce fraud (more than 20$ billion in 2021).

Cybersecurity Compliance and Regulations in South Africa: What Businesses Need to Know

With the Internet's widespread growth, South Africa has become quite dependent on it for economic affairs. This sharing of self-generated data is a boon to all business transactions and even social interactions. The increased dependence on the digital world raises significant concerns about cyber security. Cybercrime is a global problem that has affected South Africa, both in the private sector and in government.

Top 10 Mobile App Security Questions Answered

With the rise of internet penetration and increased mobile usage, the significance of mobile applications has increased multifold. Everything is covered through mobile applications, from mundane day-to-day activities to high-end financial transactions. According to Techjury, there are 10 billion mobile devices currently in use, and a staggering more than 51% of people in the USA spend their time on mobile phones.

How to Secure Mobile Apps: A Complete Checklist for 2022

Full-fledged security is what every one needs! Due to the significant rise in cyber and malware attacks on the different apps, mobile app security is considered a critical component of app development. Therefore, having a highly secured mobile app ensures a hassle-free business operation! Whether your device is for professional or personal use, you need to protect a heap of data that you've stored.

Mobile App Security & Google's Data Safety Launch - Yay or Nay?

Internet and software giant Google recently recalibrated how it categorizes its Playstore apps. Google's Android applications are tagged with 'nutrition labels' based on the security practices and the data they collect from users to share with third parties. The recently announced Google Play's Data Safety section goes into action from July 20th.