Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

March 2023

Here's how EASM is filling the gaps missed by AppSec testing solutions

We recently explored why developers have begun to ship more frequently to production, as well the relationship between more frequent releases and AppSec teams more effectively prioritizing and remediating threats. To further understand how AppSec teams evaluate tooling, we’ve recorded a collection of common questions that we’ve observed teams asking themselves.

Resolving prioritization issues faced by modern AppSec teams with EASM

At Detectify, we proudly maintain an AppSec perspective when it comes to how we handle security. But what does this mean exactly? In short, we think a lot about how both AppSec teams and developers will experience our platform and products. We know that today’s developers are feeling the pressure to get new code out to production to meet the demands of the business. These business demands have increased the need for AppSec tooling to leverage automation whenever possible.

Vulnerabilities page updates: Major improvements to accelerate remediation

We know that most security teams today handle a backlog of thousands of vulnerabilities. We also know that not all of these vulnerabilities pose a significant risk to your organization, whether or not they have a high severity score or are present on a business-critical asset. We’ve spoken with dozens of security teams over the last few months and have learned that filtering vulnerabilities across several factors is critical to accelerating remediation.