Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

January 2021

What is Access Control? Key data security component

Access control is unarguably one of the essential aspects of information security. It is the means or method by which your business or any entity or organisation of interest can deny access to an object to subjects or entities not permitted specific access rights. Access control provides an organisational means to limit and control access permission to and by end-users and other interested entities to grant only approved and adequate access.

Penetration Testing vs Vulnerability Scanning

Vulnerability scans and penetration test are often used interchangeably. Unfortunately, it is the improper use that creates confusions, sometimes around security decisions too. This article shal help the reader with these terms: penetration testing vs vulnerability scanning, their project inputs, outputs, security health indicators and decision making factors.

When and How to report GDPR personal data breaches (Article 33)

The Data Protection Act was brought in in 2018, and it controls and monitors the way that UK businesses and organizations use your personal data and information, such as credit, payment card, financial information, social security numbers, and any sensitive data. Under the act, it is up to everyone to ensure that they use data wisely and adhere to the data protection principles that are laid down in the act, which are.

What is an Open Port? Port Scanning, Risks and Monitoring.

Port scanning is the critical element of any cyber risk assessment conducted under infrastructure security or network security domains. It helps to identify all the exposed services on a system or network. Presence of open ports doesn’t indicates importance from attack perspective only; they are equally vital from a defensive front.

Top 7 API Security Risks (including prevention tips)

In this app-driven world, APIs are the infrastructure providing highways for ensuring smoother transport of sensitive data. Insecure APIs add to top security risks faced by web applications and act as an easy invite for hackers. Just because APIs deal with data at the backend does not mean they are hidden from the plain view and are safe. This article provides you an API security checklist that can be used as a basic benchmark before the release.