Shamane Tan on bouncing back - Cyber Security Decoded

Shamane Tan on bouncing back - Cyber Security Decoded

Mar 29, 2024

With #data growing at an enormous rate and cyberattacks becoming widespread, a #CyberSecurity strategy based around preventing attacks just simply won’t cut it anymore.

Prevention alone isn’t enough, so experts are emphasizing the importance of a strategy based on cyber resilience.

In other words, it’s important to build a strategy that enables your team to identify threats from bad actors quickly so you can recover your data right away and bounce back.

In this episode of Cyber Security Decoded, best-selling author Shamane Tan emphasizes the importance of not only bouncing back from a #CyberAttack…but bouncing forward by continuing to grow and improve afterward.

By maintaining business operations through a resilience strategy, growth can continue and your organization can continue to move in the right direction.

Listen to the full episode: #shorts