Q3 2022 Cyber Threat Landscape Report: Insider Threat Peaks to Its Highest Level Yet

Q3 2022 Cyber Threat Landscape Report: Insider Threat Peaks to Its Highest Level Yet

Nov 14, 2022

Watch the Q3 2022 Threat Landscape Virtual Briefing to hear from Kroll’s cyber threat intelligence leaders as they explore key insights gained through cyber incidents handled worldwide in the third quarter of 2022.

See all our cyber threat intelligence reports: https://www.kroll.com/en/insights/publications/cyber/threat-intelligence-reports

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In Q3 2022, Kroll saw insider threat peak to its highest level yet, almost doubling compared to the second quarter of the year. Insider threat makes up part of the unauthorized access category, which saw an increase in popularity as a threat incident type from 15% in Q2 to 22% in Q3. Other findings in the report include an increase in valid accounts as a means to launch an attack and more effective attacks against professional services, the education sector and manufacturing firms.

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