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Want To Stop All Scams? Here Is How!

There are many ways to be socially engineered and phished, including email, websites, social media, SMS texts, chat services, phone calls and in-person. These days, it is hard to sell something online, date or rent a vacation home without being scammed. Scams are everywhere! If there is a way to communicate between two parties, some scammer will try to take advantage of it.

Extremely Persistent Threat Group Demonstrates a Strong Understanding of the Modern Incident Response Frameworks

A threat actor tracked as “Muddled Libra” is using the 0ktapus phishing kit to gain initial access to organizations in the software automation, business process outsourcing, telecommunications, and technology industries, according to researchers at Palo Alto Networks’ Unit 42.

Is AI-Generated Disinformation on Steroids About To Become a Real Threat for Organizations?

A researcher was alerted to a fake website containing fake quotes that appeared to be written by himself. The age of generative artificial intelligence (AI) toying with our public personas has truly arrived. As cybersecurity professionals we must ask, what are the implications of fake-news-at-scale-and-quality for individuals and organizations?

New Social Engineering Tactic Uses PDFs in Business Email Compromise Attacks

Legitimate services can be exploited in social engineering, including business email compromise (BEC) attacks. Researchers at Check Point describe one current BEC campaign that’s using Soda PDF to send messages encouraging the recipients to call a phone number. Should they make the call, the bad actor on the line seeks to winkle them out of their cash. Check Point calls these kinds of attempts, which “leverage legitimate services to send out malicious material,” BEC 3.0.

KnowBe4's 2023 Phishing By Industry Benchmarking Report Reveals that 33.2% of Untrained End Users Will Fail a Phishing Test

Cybercriminals still know that the easiest way to successfully infiltrate an organization is through its people. While organizations continue evaluating and investing in their technology-based security layer, the human layer continues to be the most enticing and vulnerable attack vector. This marks the sixth consecutive year that KnowBe4 has analyzed hundreds of millions of data points in order to provide our annual Phishing by Industry Benchmark Report.

New Survey Shows 40% of People Searching for a Job Encountered a Scam

A survey by has found that one in three job seekers has fallen for, and responded to, fake job scams over the past two years. “Nearly 4 in 10 respondents, all of whom have searched for a job within the last two years, say they’ve encountered job postings that turned out to be a scam,” the researchers write.

UK Attacker Responsible for a Literal "Man-in-the-Middle" Ransomware Attack is Finally Brought to Justice

The recent conviction of a U.K. man for cyber crimes committed in 2018 brings to light a cyber attack where this attacker manually performed the “in-the-middle” part of an attack. We’ve all heard of a “Man-in-the-Middle” (MitM) attack – also more recently called a “Manipulator-in-the-Middle” attack.

Breakdown of an Impersonation Attack: Using IPFS and Personalization to Improve Attack Success

Details from a simple impersonation phishing attack show how well thought out these attacks really are in order to heighten their ability to fool victims and harvest credentials. Credential harvesting scams are pretty simple at face value: send an email that links to a spoofed login page/website, and let the credentials roll on in.

Cybercriminals Spoof German Media Anga Com Conference in New Phishing Campaign

A phishing campaign is spoofing the major German media conference Anga Com, according to Jeremy Fuchs at Avanan. “A central part of any conference for a company is to garner interest for their company,” Fuchs explains. “Many conferences will give over lead lists for companies to follow up on. This can be a significant source of potential revenue for companies. This is not the usual fare for hackers.