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Teaching kids skills to catch hackers and fix security risks at Cyber Discover

We are now living in an era where kids are growing up with the internet every day. Those of us who are older learned how to be more skeptical of technology, but our children largely aren’t growing up with this same level of skepticism. Today, over 60% of children are using the internet for over forty hours a week. Many of these children are taking cybersecurity for granted because they simply aren’t aware of many of the digital security risks that come with online use.

Cybersecurity in education: Securing schools as they transition to online learning

Whether they were prepared for it or not, schools around the world have been forced to adopt an online learning model for students thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the biggest concerns educators need to have in this situation is exactly how to create a fully secure remote learning environment in order to keep sensitive information for both the schools and individual students safe from hackers.