Understanding Co-Managed IT Support: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding Co-Managed IT Support: A Comprehensive Guide

In today's fast-paced business environment, managing IT infrastructure effectively is crucial for success. Companies often face challenges in maintaining an efficient IT system while focusing on their core operations. This is where co-managed IT support comes into play. By combining in-house IT teams with external expertise, businesses can achieve a balanced approach to managing their technology needs. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of co-managed IT support, its benefits, how it works, and potential drawbacks.

What is Co-Managed IT Support?

Co-managed IT support is a collaborative approach where internal IT staff work alongside an external managed service provider (MSP) to manage and support the company's IT infrastructure. This hybrid model allows businesses to leverage the strengths of both internal and external resources, creating a more flexible and efficient IT environment.

Unlike fully managed IT services, where the MSP handles all aspects of the IT infrastructure, co-managed IT support allows the internal team to maintain control over critical functions while outsourcing specific tasks or projects to the MSP. This model provides a customized solution tailored to the unique needs and capabilities of the business.

Benefits of Co-Managed IT Support

There are several key benefits to adopting a co-managed IT support model:


Co-managed IT support can be more cost-effective than hiring additional full-time IT staff. By outsourcing specific tasks or projects, businesses can reduce overhead costs and allocate resources more efficiently.


This model offers scalability, allowing businesses to easily adjust their IT support levels based on current needs. Whether scaling up during peak times or down during slower periods, co-managed IT support provides the flexibility to adapt to changing demands.

Enhanced Security

With the expertise of an MSP, businesses can enhance their security posture. External providers bring specialized knowledge and tools to address security threats, ensuring robust protection against cyber attacks and data breaches.

Access to Expertise

Co-managed IT support gives businesses access to a broader range of expertise and advanced technologies that may not be available internally. This can lead to improved performance and more innovative solutions.

How It Works

Co-managed IT support operates by dividing responsibilities between the internal IT team and the external MSP. The specific arrangement can vary based on the business's needs and capabilities.

Assessment and Planning

The process typically begins with an assessment of the current IT infrastructure and identification of areas where external support is needed. This may include network management, cybersecurity, data backup, or help desk support.


Once the areas of collaboration are identified, the MSP works with the internal team to implement the necessary solutions. This can involve setting up new systems, integrating tools, and providing training.

Ongoing Support

After implementation, the MSP provides ongoing support and monitoring, working alongside the internal team to ensure smooth operations. Regular communication and collaboration are key to maintaining an effective partnership.

Potential Drawbacks

While co-managed IT support offers many advantages, there are potential challenges to consider:

Compatibility with Existing Systems

Integrating external support with existing systems can sometimes be challenging. Ensuring compatibility and seamless integration requires careful planning and coordination.

Managing Vendor Relationships

Working with an external MSP involves managing the vendor relationship effectively. Clear communication, defined roles, and mutual trust are essential to avoid misunderstandings and ensure successful collaboration.

Dependence on External Expertise

Relying on external providers for critical IT functions can create a dependence that may be risky if the provider's performance is not up to par. Regular evaluations and performance reviews are necessary to maintain quality service.


Co-managed IT support offers a balanced approach to managing IT infrastructure, combining the strengths of internal teams and external expertise. By adopting this model, businesses can achieve cost-effectiveness, scalability, enhanced security, and access to specialized knowledge. While there are potential challenges, careful planning and effective management can mitigate these risks, making co-managed IT support a valuable strategy for modern businesses.

For businesses looking to optimize their IT operations, exploring co-managed IT support is a step towards achieving greater efficiency and resilience. Consider evaluating your current IT needs and exploring potential partnerships with reputable MSPs to enhance your IT capabilities.