Top Security Elements For The Hybrid Workspace

Top Security Elements For The Hybrid Workspace

Did you know over 80% of people wish to work from home at least one day a week? During the pandemic, most of the workforce was forced to explore remote working options - and the luxuries that come with working from home.

Are you considering implementing a hybrid workplace to improve the employee experience?

Keep reading as we discuss the best security elements to support hybrid working, and ensure your employees feel comfortable working in the office.

Modern Intercom Systems

In the hybrid workspace, employees enter the office on varying days. This makes it more challenging for security staff to recognize employees - presenting a security issue. If an unauthorized person were to gain access to employee keycards or fobs, they would be able to enter the building, and security staff may not identify the threat.

Hybrid workplaces need measures to prevent this from occurring to prevent unauthorized users from accessing the workplace using stolen credentials. To do this, you should consider implementing modern intercom systems that provide the means for identity verification.

The hardware has built-in video security and keypad reader capabilities, along with voice recognition features for MFA at the building’s entrance. It works like a traditional intercom system, allowing security staff and system administrators to approve access for visitors and employees. With cloud-based intercom readers, mobile security management is enabled.

To automate the identity verification process, companies can take advantage of the open API integrations, integrating facial recognition software with this cloud-based technology. If a user’s identity does not match the credentials they are using; the security team will receive an alert on their mobile devices for an agile security response.

Touchless Access Control Systems

Touchless access control systems are an excellent security solution for the hybrid business looking to streamline security and make it more user-friendly while also improving hygiene for daily operations. With touchless access control, the user can download access credentials to their mobile device, allowing them to enter via remote communication. 

They will not need to press a button on a pin pad to enter - which would contribute to the spread of germs. Instead, they can enter by waving their hand over the reader. This motion will be detected by the reader’s built-in motion sensors, triggering remote communication with the user’s mobile device to open the door. 

Hybrid businesses can cut costs on the expenses associated with keycard and fob replacement without using keycards and fobs. Additionally, opting for a touchless access control system can help mitigate any concerns about hygiene employees may have upon returning to the office. Entry will be quick, convenient, and hygienic.

Suppose you’re considering other ways to make daily business operations more hygienic. In that case, you might consider implementing anti-microbial surfaces for any common touchpoints in the building, such as handrails and elevator buttons.

Cloud-Based Access Control Software

With cloud-based and touchless access control comes access control software that improves the user experience for security staff, system administrators, and HR teams. When you take advantage of the cloud-based features of open API integration of access control, you can gain the following benefits:

  • Automated access credential updates - when an employee joins the company or leaves, you can ensure that their access credentials are revoked automatically. Forgetting ex-employees access credentials could lead to a problematic security breach. By integrating your HR management platform with a cloud-based security database, you can ensure that any amendments to an employee's employment status are promptly reflected in their access logs. This integration helps maintain accurate and up-to-date security credentials, reducing the risk of unauthorized access.
  • Remote door lock operation - with cloud-based access control, security personnel and cleared staff members can operate door locks remotely using their mobile devices. They can permit entry for guests, or new employees without credentials, without leaving their desks - maximizing productivity and minimizing time-consuming tasks.

Flexible Access Permissions

When it comes to your building security, you need to know that visitors, new hires, and contractors cannot gain access to the areas housing your most sensitive data and assets. Should an unauthorized user access these areas, this could result in the exposure of sensitive information.

To prevent this from occurring, you can install smart door locks to protect areas housing sensitive assets, granting users varying role-based permissions. You can use different permissions for employees who work remotely and in-office employees.


If you’re implementing a hybrid work model at your company, you must be prepared to upgrade your security and provide employees with convenience and hygiene when using in-office resources. By implementing these technologies, you can ensure that your employees feel safe while using the office and reduce their risk from the spread of germs.