Common Pitfalls in SOC 2 Compliance and How to Avoid Them

Common Pitfalls in SOC 2 Compliance and How to Avoid Them

I’m going to show you how to avoid the most common pitfalls in SOC 2 compliance.

You'll be able to streamline your compliance process,

  • saving time,
  • reducing errors,
  • and getting your SOC 2 certification faster

…without the stress of failed audits, endless documentation revisions, or expensive delays that could jeopardize key contracts.

Mastering these strategies gives you a competitive edge, allowing you to breeze through the SOC 2 audit while others struggle with costly mistakes and missed deadlines.

Ready to secure some large contracts? Let’s get straight to it!

P.S: Want to make SOC 2 compliance easier? EasyAudit automates the toughest parts of the process, from generating customized security controls to organizing your audit documentation — all on one intuitive platform. Visit our website to learn more and begin your SOC 2 compliance journey today!

Lack of Proper Documentation

Why documentation is crucial for SOC 2 compliance

Every policy, control, and procedure needs to be documented clearly.


Because SOC 2 compliance lives and dies by your records. Without detailed documentation, your auditor can’t verify that you’re meeting the standards for security, availability, and more.

What happens when documentation is inadequate?

No documentation, no proof.

When you lack proper documentation, auditors can’t give you a passing grade. Even worse, it leads to audit delays and a lot of extra work fixing the gaps.

How to keep documentation up to date?

Automate your documentation. Use compliance tools that update your records in real-time, ensuring everything is current.

Assign responsibility to key team members and set quarterly reviews so nothing falls through the cracks.

Time Management Issues

The impact of underestimating time for compliance

SOC 2 compliance takes time — more than most companies expect.

Missed deadlines can slow your audit down or even force you to restart.

If you’re working toward a critical business deal or investor milestone, this can mean lost revenue.

Common time management mistakes

Waiting until the last minute to start, skipping internal reviews, or rushing through documentation are common mistakes.

These lead to overlooked risks and more work later.

How to improve time management in SOC 2 compliance?

Breaking down the SOC 2 process into manageable phases is key to staying on track.

Start by outlining each stage — readiness assessments, documentation, and audit preparation and assign clear responsibilities to your team. By delegating early and focusing on the critical steps, you’ll avoid the last-minute scramble that leads to errors.

A little overwhelmed?

Automating parts of the compliance process can free up hours of your team’s time.

With EasyAudit, you can streamline everything from documentation to evidence gathering — without the manual hassle. Our AI-powered platform ensures you're always a step ahead, cutting down prep time and keeping your compliance efforts on schedule.

Book a call today to see how EasyAudit can help you manage SOC 2 compliance faster and with fewer headaches.

Choosing Inexperienced Auditors

The risks of selecting the wrong auditor

Not all auditors are created equal.

In 2023, 1,802 data breaches exposed 422.1 million records. That's 422.1 million reasons to prove your security measures work.

When you select an auditor lacking the necessary industry expertise, they may overlook critical security controls or compliance issues, leaving your organization vulnerable to risks, and potentially costing you time and money.

How to assess an auditor’s experience?

Look for auditors with a track record in your sector — whether that’s SaaS, healthcare, or finance.

Get references, check case studies, and confirm they know the SOC 2 standards inside and out.

Ensuring audit quality with the right auditor

The right auditor will not only get the job done but will help you improve your systems along the way.

Look for someone who understands your business and provides practical insights, not just a checklist.

Ignoring High-Risk Areas

Why high-risk areas demand priority?

Some areas of SOC 2 compliance are more critical than others. Ignoring high-risk areas — like data security vulnerabilities puts your entire audit at risk.

Focusing on the wrong things means you could miss a critical issue that leads to non-compliance.

Examples of high-risk areas in SOC 2 compliance

High-risk areas often include:

  • Data encryption (or lack of it)
  • Access control for sensitive information
  • Weak incident response plans

How to identify and prioritize high-risk areas?

Start with a risk assessment to identify where your vulnerabilities lie. Prioritize these before moving on to lower-risk areas.

This approach not only improves security but ensures you focus your resources on what really matters.

Not Defining Audit Scope Properly

The impact of a poorly defined audit scope on the process

If your audit scope is too broad, you waste time and resources on unnecessary areas. Too narrow, and you could miss key systems that are critical for compliance.

How to define the right audit scope?

Work with your auditor to clearly define which systems and processes will be covered.

Focus on those that handle sensitive data or impact customer security. This will streamline your audit and keep costs down.

Lack of Continuous Monitoring

The dangers of treating SOC 2 compliance as a one-time effort

SOC 2 compliance isn’t a “set it and forget it” process.

Without continuous monitoring, your controls can become ineffective over time, leaving your organization vulnerable to breaches and compliance failures.

The importance of ongoing monitoring

Automate the monitoring of your systems. This way, you catch issues as they arise and keep your security protocols up to date.

Continuous monitoring ensures that when it’s time for your next audit, you’re already compliant.

Poor Vendor Management

How third-party vendors introduce risk?

Your vendors could be the weakest link in your SOC 2 compliance.

Research shows that 60% of data breaches are linked to vulnerabilities introduced by third-party vendors, making them a critical factor to address in any compliance strategy.

If they’re not meeting security standards, it impacts your audit and opens the door to potential data breaches.

Key risks associated with poor vendor management

Third-party risks include inconsistent security practices, outdated compliance measures, and lack of visibility into vendor operations. These can lead to non-compliance and potential fines.

How to manage vendor compliance effectively

Regularly audit your vendors. Ensure they meet SOC 2 standards and include security clauses in your contracts.

A vendor compliance checklist can help keep track of their adherence to security requirements.

Inadequate Employee Training

Why employee awareness is critical for SOC 2 compliance?

Your team is your front line in compliance. Without proper training, even the best systems can fail. Employees who don’t understand security protocols can inadvertently create vulnerabilities.

Common pitfalls in employee training

One-time training sessions aren’t enough. Employees need ongoing education to stay informed about new threats and updates to your security policies.

How to strengthen employee training?

Implement regular, comprehensive training programs. Focus on phishing prevention, password management, and safe data handling.

Streamline Your SOC 2 Compliance with Ease

Why wrestle with endless paperwork, delays, and skyrocketing costs when there's a better way? With EasyAudit, your path to SOC 2 compliance is faster, more affordable, and completely stress-free.

  • Save up to $40,000 and cut down over 100 hours of manual work.
  • Achieve compliance in half the time compared to traditional methods and without the need for expensive consultants.
  • Get custom-crafted security controls tailored to your business, ensuring precision and compliance from day one.

Ready to simplify your SOC 2 process? Try EasyAudit today and get compliant in record time.

Author Bio:

Christian Khoury is a former Deloitte risk & compliance analyst, is the founder of EasyAudit, an AI-driven platform that simplifies SOC 2 compliance for busy founders. Leveraging his industry expertise, he created EasyAudit to simplify and reduce the cost of compliance for businesses, transforming complex processes into an efficient, automated solution.