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RKVST (Jitsuin) SCITT Demo from 2019

Supply Chain Integrity, Transparency, and Trust... all in one platform. A little throw-back here...all the way to 2019! SCITT is a hot area right now in 2022 but this is what we've been doing since the beginning. We were even still called Jitsuin :-) This is a very quick run through how making supply chain evidence available to all authorised partners in a supply chain as quickly as possible with Provenance, Governance, and Immutability guarantees can boost trust, reduce risk, and speed operations.

RKVST - About

Businesses increasingly use external data to make critical decisions. The wrong data leads to bad decisions that import risk, impair reputation, and imperil revenue. Zero-Trust, Critical Shared Assets, Trustworthy AI – all need instant answers to a common question: Who Did What When? RKVST is the infostructure that unites developers and business users in assuring shared data drives the right critical outcomes.