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How to connect a WebDAV server to Internxt Drive

This short tutorial shows you how to use WebDAV by connecting to a WebDAV server to upload your Internxt Drive files via the Internxt CLI, ensuring your files are securely transferred and accessible. Once you have downloaded the Internxt CLI, you can connect and interact with your Internxt cloud storage via your preferred WebDAV server, we support: CyberDuck, Transmit, Cadaver, or Finder.

How to upload Internxt Drive files to WebDAV

This short tutorial shows you how to upload your Internxt Drive files to your preferred WebDAV server via the Internxt CLI to ensure your files are securely transferred and accessible. Now you are set up with the Internxt CLI and have connected to a WebDAV server, and you’re ready to get started and upload your files to WebDAV! This short video gives a quick, easy-to-follow guideline for uploading files to a WebDAV server. Uploading files is just the beginning of what you can do with WebDAV, and the Internxt CLI allows you to.

How to install the Internxt CLI to connect to a WebDAV client

This video explains how to get started with the Internxt CLI so you can then connect to your preferred WebDAV client and manage your files via a Command-Line Interface and WebDAV for Windows and Mac. A CLI (Command Line Interface) offers precise control, security, automation capabilities, and efficiency, making it ideal for advanced users. The Internxt CLI guarantees your files' complete privacy and security, as all files are encrypted directly on your device, and no plain data is transmitted to the WebDAV server, protecting you from data breaches.

Top 5 Best Cybersecurity Training Mobile Apps

Gain access to the best cybersecurity training from anywhere, anytime, with these top 5 cybersecurity apps for iOS and Android 📱 Cybersecurity attacks are very common; learn which top 5 cybersecurity tools and apps can help you to prevent them 🛡️ Learn more at


Here at Internxt, we believe that what humanity can achieve is extraordinary. We want to become a force of positive change that pushes society towards a better, brighter future. To do so, we are completely reengineering the status quo of a variety of industries, through the application of innovation in a way that’s coherent.